Facilitating Transformational Journeys II
is H3Uni’s revised online core course based on its approach to facilitating emergent collaborative wisdom in the face of complex changes. It is based on the Resource Library.
Next run: Spring 2025

Hallo! I’m Anthony Hodgson and in this short talk I am going to introduce you to the core course on the approach and method that H3Uni has developed as a contribution to a vision of a practical third horizon education. Let me explain the meaning of third horizon.
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Read the introduction transcript
Hallo! I’m Anthony Hodgson and in this short talk I am going to introduce you to the core course on the approach and method that H3Uni has developed as a contribution to a vision of a practical third horizon education. Let me explain the meaning of third horizon.

The starting point is the accelerating demise of our dominant world views and way of life on our limited planet. The extractive and exploitative model is no longer congruent with a viable life style for humanity. This is represented by the descending red line – the first horizon. Pockets of a viable and benign way of life that is renewable, resilient and ecological are emerging. The vision of one planet living is horizon three. Over time it could gather strength and become congruent with the reality of the Anthropocene. However, the transformation from H1 to H3 is a massive global shift of the pattern of our lives and the legacy of methods of gover-nance, cooperation and awareness of horizon 1 cannot do this. Yet those are what dominate our so-called education system.
This gives rise to three great tragedies which are unfolding. Firstly, the tragedy of the commons; secondly, the tragedy of horizons; thirdly, the tragedy of consciousness.

The tragedy of the commons points out the social structure in which individual users of a common good acting without regulation for that common good end up destroying the very resource they are exploiting. This principle applies right up to the planetary level and leads to the breaking of the planetary limits for survival.
The tragedy of horizons points to the domination of short term and expedient interests which are unable to take into account the deeper systemic structures that are distorted and damaged by ignoring them. This results in decisions which take no regard of the long term and of the present trends that are eroding the viability of society. For example, the taking of the premium required to ensure resilience as immediate profit.
There are three aspects of the tragedy of consciousness. Firstly, the way our brilliance at managing the complicated blinds us from seeing how to manage the complex. Secondly, the way our quest for rationality has blinded us to our real presence in the world and our effect on it. Thirdly the way cultural condit-ioning is preven-ting us from releasing the creativity needed to mitigate and transcend our predicament of which the climate emergency and the pandemic are but symptoms. This ensures that humanity continues sleep walking into the first two tragedies.
The development of shared wisdom capable of exploring new paradigms and world views is crucially needed to be able to address the mess and find a way to surviving let alone thriving.
The quality of wisdom, or better wise agency, is an elusive quality if we remain stuck in our usual ways of managing things. We need to create new ways of evoking this mutual quality of life to create a transformative field. This field has three components. It has the personal engagement of being at your best; it has the power of a coherent group (singing in the choir, playing a game of football), whatever it is with that sense of being together; and a congruence of shared method and praxis that matches the complexity of the task.

This is a universal structure behind all the various individual methods that will be introduced. Each one of them is in some way, allowing us to develop a mutual quality. The idea of a mutual quality of wisdom sits in the middle and is evoked. So all of them have inherent in them that core quality of evoking wisdom if we see them through the perspective of this synergy.
It is important to clarify the difference between wisdom and cleverness. We can be clever and be right about some-thing but without doing anything about it. However, if we’re in a particular place at a particular time and are faced with a situation where we have to act the outcome is mutually emergent. So wisdom, in that sense, is always existential, because it’s dealing with something in the flow of being, in the flow of existing individually and together.
This means that we need to learn to make transformational journeys together. Such journeys have a deep underlying structure reflected in mythology and in subconscious archetypes – but also in lived experience.
“To skill-up the transition we need design thinking, future consciousness and an understanding of the living systems view of life to woven through the curricula from preschool to university and beyond to life-long learning opportunities for all.”
Daniel Wahl, Designing Regenerative Cultures
The Course
Anthony Hodgson will lead you in an exploration of the new kind of working together that is required now humanity is so entangled in the nature of planet earth. This kind of collaborative work is needed so that we can better co-create the solutions to the challenges we face in a regenerative manner restoring human-environment balance and speeding up the design of new ways of living that are urgently needed.
The basics of these methods, tools and skills are now accessible through an online course comprising seven 2 hour sessions over a period of six weeks.
Foundations of the course
The challenges of transformation brought on by humanity’s impact on the planet, now known as the Anthropocene require new ways of working together that transcend both the individualism and the collectivisation of most social patterns across the world. The multiple global issues from climate change to geo-political fracture require methods which can leap easily from the global to the local and back again. They also require a parallel evolution of individual and group consciousness as a basis for wisdom beyond cleverness.
We need individual creativity and we need cooperation. Yet most of our collaborative methods are based on meeting and learning processes which are unable to deal with the complexity and uncertainty of the global predicament at any level where it shows up.
Our educational and institutional systems are largely based on analysis, specialisation and dislocation rather than the needed synthesis, transdisciplinarity and integration. They are autocratic or very weakly democratic. This suppresses society’s access to shared creative imagination fully integrated with the best expertise and data. In our prevailing culture these do not sit comfortably together.
Amongst those of us concerned about the future of how over seven billion humans can live benignly as part of a living planet there is an increasing interest in the theme of regeneration. This goes beyond sustainability and resilience with the view that we need to co-create and spread practical ways in which we can live within planetary and ecological limits whilst simultaneously supporting. equitable human well being.
But how do we do this?
The H3uni course is based on many years of research, gathering and testing tools suitable for one of the main mission critical areas – how we can cooperate in ways that support the envisioning, planning and monitoring regeneration and transformation projects, whether on a personal or larger scale.
Facilitating Transformational Journeys II – the sessions
1. Seeking the Necessary Synergy
– a whole system wisdom perspective
2. Identifying the Synergy Opportunities
– the World Mandala
3. Mastering the Complexity
– Hexagon Clustering and Influence Diagramming
4. Empowering Regenerative Vision
– the Three Horizons
5. Engaging Transformative Change
– Creative Dilemma Navigation
6 Convening Wise Action
– the Wheel of Wisdom Council
7. Facilitating the Transformative Synergy
– guiding the journey
Course description
The course consists of seven sessions each made up of the following components:
- A live talk introducing the concepts and the methods
- Facilitated exrcises in applying concepts and methods
- Feedback discussion and coaching using the facilities of Zoom Conferencing and other supporting software
- Learning assignments between sessions drawing on a material stored on a dedicated web site.
- An asynchronous chat forum for course members with occasional coaching input
Participants are expected to bring with them an area of their life they wish to work on in a transformative way and be able to share aspects of that with the group. The methods emphasise the integration of three aspects of emergent wisdom
- Matching thinking techniques to complex situations
- Developing individual presence and future consciousness
- Forming a collaborative group through the shared especience
These processes are interwoven and will evolve partly in response to student learning. The number of participants is limited to 25 so that such interaction is possible and so is different from a usual webinar or course lecture. The interaction is supported by visual facilitation and continuous visual presence for participation in discussions.
To make this possible students are required to participate with a as high a resolution screen as possible. The visual methods are unsuitable for mobile phones; a computer is recommended rather than a tablet.
Expression of Interest
If you find this course of interest sign up for updates on new dates.
Background Reading
There are several books that give background to the course:
Questions you may have
Is there an entry requirement?
The only entry requirement is personal relevance to you. However, it is important that you complete the pre-course questionnaire you will receive on registration.
Is previous knowledge of H3Uni and the background publications necessary?
No. The main thing is your interest and motivation for understanding the transformational journey. The course will provide you with supplementary materials.
Can I take single sessions?
No. This is an integrated course that progressively builds up.
Is it essential to use Zoom?
Yes, the course has it’s own Zoom room for visual faciltation of the group work and group interaction the screen is necessary. You don’t need to set up your own account.
Do I get a certificate of participation?
Yes. H3Uni will issue a certificate on completion.
What level of time commitment is required?
The minimum requirement is attendance at all seven 2-hour sessions, and around 1 hour of study and practice between sessions.
What happens if I miss a session?
There will be essential briefing material to assist catch up and you might get help from fellow students on the asynchronous chat.
What is the refund policy?
To discuss any refund please contact backoffice@h3uni.org.